Early Tour Mates Claim Metallica Wanted To Replace James Hetfield

Metallica Portrait Session

Photo: Michael Ochs Archives

The band Raven is a big part of Metallica's history. The British heavy metal pioneers famously took the band out on its first national tour in 1983, and in a new interview with Guitar World founding Raven members John and Mark Gallagher reflected on the iconic tour and witnessing Metallica refine their sound. At the time, the band was still trying to get its footing and had recently replaced founding member Dave Mustaine for guitarist Kirk Hammett. Apparently they also had their sights on frontman James Hetfield with hopes to transition him into solely a guitarist and find a new singer.

“They were a little fractured at the time, saying, ‘We need to get a good singer,’” Mark recalled. “That was the whole thing. We were like, ‘What’s the matter with James Hetfield? He’s doing pretty good.’ They said, ‘That’s just temporary.’ I think they were looking at John Bush [of Armored Saint] to be the singer.”

“But even though they were a young band, they were ahead of what most bands would be at that point, as far as the time they put into it," he pointed out. "It definitely had something. It had that hard edge, which was cool.”

Obviously Metallica took Raven's advice and stuck with Hetfield. Now, more than 40 years later, they're as popular as ever and Hetfield is considered a legendary vocalist.

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